Giving Back Yesterday is something I've used as a username, site name, etc. for a while now. On more than one occasion, I've been asked what that's supposed to mean and where it came from. So, as an introduction to this blog, I have an answer for you.
It sounded cool.
There you have it! It sounded cool.
I've always had this sort of obsession with time and space and all of that jazz. It just fascinates me. Yesterday is a cool word, in my opinion. Over time, that just became Giving Back Yesterday.
But, in a way, it does mean something. I was watching Kung Fu Panda the other day (I love that movie), and in there is the quote “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, which is why we call it the present.”
Technically the quote is "a gift from God".
And so, in a round about way, Giving Back Yesterday is just as it sounds: making the most of the gift of our lives in a way that helps another. It's all quite sentimental, if you ask me.
Mostly, though, I kept it cause it had a nice ring to it.
So what is this blog about? Life. The Universe. Everything. I discovered the answer to those three things is a little more complicated than 42. Unfortunately. (Bonus points if you get that. Double bonus points if you've actually read that book.) This is my blog, a place where I can dump thoughts, ideas, and musings. Read if you want, or pass on by. My life is far from the most exciting, but sometimes I ideas or hear things or experience events that I feel are worth sharing. And here's where I'll do that.
Warning: Randomness may ensue.
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